Tuesday 6 November 2018


why is there refraction:
two materials of different optical densities, light will travel at different speeds in each

from less optically dense to more optically dense, light bends toward the normal

from more optically dense to less optically dense, light bends away from the normal

refractive index: a measure of optical density

nx = c/cx

 nx is the refractive index of material x
 c is the speed of light in a vacuum (ms^-1)
 cx is the speed of light in material x (ms^-1)

n>1, as if n<1 the speed of light in x is greater than the speed of light in a vacuum, which isn't the case

the greater the value of n, the more optically dense, as light is being slowed more

refractive index of air is approximately 1

snell's law of refraction:

n1sin𝛳1 = n2sin𝛳2

 n1 is the refractive index of material 1
 sin𝛳1 is angle 1
 n2 is the refractive index of material 2
 sin𝛳2 is angle 2

critical angle:

sin𝛳c = n2/n1

note: this is only for more dense to less dense i.e. n1 > n2

fibre optics:

optical fibre: a thin flexible transparent fibre used to carry light pulses from one end to the other

uses: communication, endoscopes

 prevents crosstalk
 provides protection
 stops signals escaping
 needs a lower refractive index than the core


the core is thin to reduce the effects of MODAL DISPERSION

use monochromatic light to reduce effects of MATERIAL DISPERSION

modal dispersion: the lengthening of a light pulse as it travels along an optical fibre, due to rays that repeatedly undergo total internal reflection having to travel a longer distance than rays that undergo fewer total internal reflections

material dispersion: caused by using white light. all wavelengths of white light travel at slightly different speeds and so leads to pulse broadening


3.2.1 DRAFT

path difference: the difference in distances from two coherent sources to an interference fringe

coherence: two waves sources are coherent if they emit waves with a constant phase difference


superposition: the process by which two waves combine into a single waveform when they overlap

stationary waves: wave pattern with nodes and antinodes formed when two or more progressive waves of the sae frequency and amplitude pass through each other

nodes: positions on a stationary wave which do not vibrate, where there is zero displacement

antinodes: positions on a stationary wave where there is maximum displacement

frequency for first harmonic only:

f = (1/2L)√(T/μ)

 f is the frequency  (Hz)
 T is the string tension (N)
 L is the length of the string (m)
 μ is the mass per unit length of the string (m/l)


longitudinal waves:

direction of travel/propagation is parallel to direction of vibration

e.g. sound

transverse waves:

direction of travel/propagation is perpendicular to direction of vibration

e.g. EM waves, waves on a string

all EM waves travel at 3 x 10^8 ms^-1 in a vacuum



polarisation: restricts the oscillations of a transverse wave to one plane

this is proof that the waves of the EM spectrum are transverse. if they were longitudinal waves the oscillations would not be restricted by the polarising filter
 applications of polarisers:

TV aerials get the best reception when they point to the transmission source so they absorb the maximum amount of the radio waves

polaroid glasses reduce unwanted reflected light

polaroid material


oscillation of the particles of the medium

progressive waves: waves which travel through a substance or through space if electromagnetic

amplitude: distance from the equilibrium to maximum displacement or minimum displacement, measured in metres (m)

frequency: the number of cycles of a wave that pass a point in 1 second, measured in Hertz (Hz) (F=1/T)

wavelength: the least distance between two adjacent vibrating particles with the same displacement and velocity at the same time (e.g. distance between two adjacent peaks), measured in metres (m)

displacement: distance from the equilibrium position, measured in metres (m)

time period: time for one complete wave cycle, measured in seconds (s)

wave speed = frequency x wavelength (c=f𝜆)
measured in metres per second (ms^-1)

phase: the position of a point in time on a wave cycle

phase difference: the fraction of a cycle between the vibrations of two vibrating particles, measured either in radians or degrees, or as fractions of a cycle

two sources are IN PHASE if both waves are at the same point in their cycles at the same time

two sources are in ANTIPHASE if both waves are at exactly opposite points in their cycles at the same time

two sources are OUT OF PHASE if the waves are at different points in their cycles at the same time

if the phase difference is an odd number of 𝜋 radians, the waves are in antiphase

if the phase difference is an even number of 𝜋 radians, the waves are in phase